| - 惠斯特组合赛(由几对参赛者在各桌进行, 某些参赛者一局後换至下一桌). series of games of whist played by several sets of partners at different tables, with certain players moving after each round to the next table
- conj. 想想吧, 那些孩子现在一定都长大成人了. If you think about it, those children must be grown-up by now
- n. 感到有些、 不、 不很、 非常...疼 feel some, no, not much, a lot of, etc pain
- 感到有些痛[不痛, 不太痛] feel some [no, not much] pain
- n. 愿意原谅丈夫的些微不忠行为. willing to forgive her husband's little infidelities
- adj. 慢的, 缓慢的, 迟到的, 慢于...的, 晚于...的, 迟钝的, 没精神的, 冷漠的, 不轻易的, 作用缓慢的, 温和的, 燃烧缓慢的, 没趣的, 乏味的, 落后的, 落后于时代的, 不景气的, 妨碍前进的, 使减速的, 雨后不久因而尚有些粘脚的, 孔径小的, 曝光慢的, 不险峻的, 迟缓的, 费时的, 呆笨的, 不活跃的, 笨拙的, 不敏捷的, 较正常时间慢了的(钟表), 不容许快速的, 减低速度的(表面) slow
- v. 我一想到要对这样的听众讲话, 就有些胆小. I was rather daunted by the thought of addressing such an audience
- v. 我一直抬那些重东西, 现在腰都痛了. All that heavy lifting has given me a pain in the back
- v. 我上当了! 这些番茄一半是坏的! I've been diddled! Half of these tomatoes are bad
- 我不一定要出去, 只想吸些新鲜空气. I didn't need to go out but I wanted a breath of fresh air
- n. 我不听这些骂人的话. I refused to listen to these scurrilities
- 我不在的时候, 你给这些植物浇浇水行吗? You'll water the plants while I'm away, won't you?
- n. 我不太懂得瓷器, 估计不出这些盘子的价钱. I don't know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates
- v. 我不必细说那些让人听了难受的事, 只说一句就够了, 整件事是个惨祸. I won't go into all the depressing details; suffice it to say that the whole affair was an utter disaster
- n. 我不要你那些用过了的旧东西! I don't want your old hand-me-downs
- 我买了一些花送给她表示歉意. I bought her some flowers as a peace offering