| - 能说话, 说得出话 find one's speech
- 能进能出,能上能下 competent to work both at the top and at the grass roots
- 能进能出,能上能下,方谓好汉 He who knows how to fight and how to retreat deserves to be called a brave man.
- adj. 能靠记忆一字不错说出或背诵出的. able to say or recite sth from memory without making any mistakes
- adj. 脆弱的, 故作多情的, 装成聪明的样子的, 装出讨人喜欢的样子的, 纤弱的, 弱不禁风的, 矫饰的, 可爱的 twee
- 脉冲拨号拨出非法字符 Invalid Character Dialed with Pulse Dialing
- 脊髓囊肿状突出 myelocystocele
- 脊髓脊膜囊肿状突出 myelocystomeningocele
- adj. 脏水沟发出的腐臭味. the rancid stench of dirty drains
- 脐出血 omphalorrhagia
- 脐突出 umbilical hernia
- 脐突出 omphalocele
- 脐突出 exumblication
- 脐部肝突出 hepatomphalocele
- 脐部肝突出 hepatomphalos
- n. 脑, 脑髓, 头脑, 制导系统, 智慧, 计算机, 计算装置, 自动电子仪, 电脑, 有头脑的人, 智囊, 出谋划策者, 发射控制室, 智慧, 智力, 思考力, 聪明人, (前面与the连用)一组聪明人 brain