| - 胸膜突出 pleurocele
- adj. 胸部不健强的, 胸部大的, 胸部丰满的, 胸腔宽的, 有胸腔病症状的, 胸部突出的, 自负的, 自命不凡的, 骄傲的, 胸脯大的, 大胸脯的(女人), 肺活量大的, 发自胸腔的, 胸丰满的 chesty
- n. 能充分衬托出她那身段的连衣裙 a dress that shows off her figure well
- v. 能区分, 辨别, 认出(人或物) from another; recognize
- n. 能叫出柔和颤音的)鸣禽. any of various types of bird that warble (
- v. 能够[不能够]说出或表达自己的意见 unable to speak or express one's opinion
- n. 能够对意义上的细微差异做出反应. be able to react to nuances of meaning
- adj. 能实行的, 能演出的, 可上演的, 可扮演的, 可实行的 actable
- n. 能检测出有毒气体存在的仪器. an apparatus that senses the presence of toxic gases
- n. 能看出两个人或两种事物之间的区别··worlds·apart·=> world
- 能看得出她有体育方面的天赋吗? Does she show any aptitude for games?
- 能群移出截面 group removal cross section
- adj. 能自由伸出的, 可突出的, 可伸出的, 可伸出的 protrusile
- n. 能被选拔出来代表国家参赛, 是多数运动员的最高荣誉. To be chosen to represent their country is the highest accolade for most athletes
- adj. 能设计出的, 能想出的, 能遗让的 devisable
- n. 能说出或想到的任何东西、 地方等 every thing, place, etc you can name or think of