| - adj. 格子花纹的, 棋盘花纹的, 格子花的, 棋盘花的, 受阻的, 封闭的, 有格子的, 有格子花纹的, 棋盘状的, 选中的 checked
- n. 格(尤指屈折语中, 表示名词或代词等与另一词的关系的形式及其变化) that shows its relationship to another word
- 案件中心的女人; 跟女人有关的事件 lady in the case
- n. 桌子等的)中心装饰. ornament for the centre of a table, etc (
- v. 桥牌中)先发制人叫牌(尽管牌不好也仍叫得很高以阻止对方叫牌). make a high opening bid despite having poor cards, in order to prevent further bidding (
- v. 桥牌中)叫牌压过(对方)或超过自己的实力. Cf 参看 underbid. or than one's cards are worth (
- adj. 桥牌戏中)叫加倍. act of doubling (
- v. 桥牌等中)叫牌低於(手中牌)的实力. Cf 参看 overbid. than its strength suggests (
- n. 桨架, 钉桨架的钉, 栓, 支柱, 桨座, 镰柄, 圆屋顶的拱心石, 古希腊庙宇中放祭品的地方, 桨架钉, 桨架, 桨座(亦作thole-pin) thole
- 桶中精炼冶金 ladle metallurgy
- 桶中精炼装置 ladle refining installation
- 桶中脱气 ladle degassing
- 梢化棉中涂整面涂料 N.C lacquer surfacer
- adj. 梦一般的, 梦幻的, 似在梦中的, 不真实的, 朦胧的 dreamlike
- n. 梦中人, 理想中人, 意中人 dreamboat
- n. 梦中步行, 梦游病, 梦行, 梦行症 noctambulism