| - 某活动或行业中首屈一指的女性 leading woman in a specified activity or profession
- n. 某物的)较厚的或夹在两层中间的部分 that is thick or between two opposite surfaces (
- adj. 某类人或某领域中最有才华或成就的人 person considered to be the most talented or successful in a certain group or field
- v. 某过程中的)一步 any one of a series of things done in some process or course of action or development (
- n. 某领域中的优秀的或杰出的人物 excellent or outstanding man in a particular field
- 染料中间体及助剂 intermediate and textile auxiliary
- 染色中条灯芯绒 dyed medium-waled corduroy
- 染色涤粘中空哔叽 dyed polyester viscose blended serge
- 柞丝色织中厚织物 yarn-dyed medium weight tussah silk fabric
- 查对无讹后打上(√)作记号; 不再考虑, 认为不成立; 在工资中扣除(所得税, 工会会费) check off
- v. 查普曼把投球手给治了(板球比赛中轻易得分, 因对方投球手技术差). scored freely from weak bowling
- 柱中色层分离法 column chromatography
- n. 柱头(花的中央接受花粉的部分). part that receives the pollen in the centre of a flower
- n. 柱子, 柱, 支柱, 栋梁, 重要的支持者, 柱形物, 墩, 矿井中的矿柱, 煤柱, 柱状物, 栋梁, 柱子 pillar
- 柳型中子密度测量装置 gas flow neutron density measuring assembly
- n. 柳景图案(中国传统蓝白二色图案, 有小河垂柳, 尤见於瓷盘等上) traditional blue and white Chinese design that includes a picture of a willow-tree and a river, used esp on china plates, etc