  • n.  某事过程发生的事件或片段   event or phase of a different kind occurring in the middle of something
  •   某些人的名字与姓之间的另一名字(如George Bernard Shaw的Bernard).   second of two given names, eg Bernard in George Bernard Shaw
  • n.  某些国家, 如法国的)议员.   member of a legislative assembly (
  • n.  某些国家最高地方官管辖的行政区(如法国的省和日本的县).   in certain countries, eg France and Japan
  • n.  某些国家的地区最高行政长官(如法国的省长和日本的县长)或其官衔.   chief administrative officer of an area in certain countries, eg France and Japan
  • n.  某些学校同龄儿童按智力水平编成的)能力班或能力小组   class or division of a class into which children of the same age and level of ability are placed (
  • n.  某些学校)对学生用藤条或棍棒责打的惩罚   the punishment in which children are beaten with a cane (
  • n.  某些植物的空而有节的茎(如竹或甘蔗).   hollow jointed stem of certain plants, eg bamboo or sugar-cane
  • n.  某些比赛的)记分员.   person who keeps the score in certain games (
  • n.  某些牌戏的)全部赌注.   pool of money to be played for (
  • n.  某些纸牌戏的)百搭.   extra playing-card used in certain card-games (
  •   某人命注定要做某事; 某人有责任做某事   it falls to sb.'s lot to do sth. [the lot falls to sb. to do sth.; it falls to sb. as sb.'s lot to do sth.)
  • n.  某人掌握的或某书、 某学科等使用的)词汇, 词汇层   words known to a person or used in a particular book, subject, etc; lexis (
  • n.  某人银行帐户的)存款数额   sum of money in sb's bank account (
  • n.  某季节使用的)乡间小舍   country house or cabin for use in certain seasons (
  • n.  某家庭在某房子的居住.   the occupation of a house by a family