| - 叠层非织造布高性能粘合剂 high-performance adhesive for laminating non-woven fabric
- adv. 口头上(非书面形式). in spoken words, not in writing
- adj. 口头的(非书面的) spoken, not written
- 口是心非, 不诚恳 cry with one eye and laugh with the other
- 口是心非, 耍两面派 bear two faces under one hood
- 口是心非, 耍两面派 carry two faces under one hood
- 口是心非; 耍两面派 have two faces
- n. 古时攻打敌船所用的燃料剂, 磷火, 鬼火, 难灭燃烧剂, 无雷声的闪电, 难以扑灭之烈火, 易燃物, 非常快, 散布极快的事物 wildfire
- 另类音乐,非正统音乐 alternative music
- v. 只有在非洲才有这类花. only in Africa
- adj. 只有非常灵敏的温度计才能测出这样微小的温度变化. Only a very delicate thermometer can measure such tiny changes in temperature
- n. 可乐, (=kola)(非洲)可乐树, 可乐(可乐树子制成的饮料), 可乐类饮料, 可乐树 cola
- n. 可乐果树(生长於西非洲). W African tree
- 可以任选的,非强制的 optional
- n. 可以相信他所作的决定, 都是非常英明的. One can rely on the prudence of his decisions
- 可冲洗的非织造织物 flushable nonwoven fabric