| - 叶片式给料器 paddle feeder
- v. 吉尔姨在我的生日总送给我礼物. Auntie Jill always remembers my birthday, eg with a card or present
- adj. 同事们把一张支票交给退休的主席. presented a cheque to the retiring chairman
- v. 同意给予或允许(所求) agree to give or allow (what is asked for)
- 名家、 专家给优秀生教授的课(尤指音乐课). lesson, esp in music, given by a famous expert to highly skilled students
- 向... 提供; 把(传票)交给 serve with
- 向...提出大量, 给予大量 swamp with
- n. 向司令部申请补给品. make a requisition on headquarters for supplies
- v. 向导给我们引错了路. We were misled by the guide
- 向某人行贿, 买通; 给某人小费 grease sb.'s hand
- v. 向某处供给过多的存货 supply sth with too large a stock
- vt. 吝惜, 不愿, 勉强给予, 嫉妒, 羡慕, 抱怨, 发牢骚, 舍不得给 begrudge
- vt. 吟诵, 咏唱, 发出抑扬的音调, 给...一种特殊音调, 吟诵(诗歌、祈祷文) intone
- vt. 否认, 否定, 拒绝相信, 拒绝接受, 拒绝给予, 背弃, 摒弃, 拒绝, 不给, 不予, 不允许 deny
- adj. 听不到的, 未被倾听的, 未知的, 未听到的, 不被倾听的, 未予审讯的, 未被给予申述机会的, 前所未闻的, 忽视的, 未被注意的 unheard
- n. 听说她把男朋友给甩了. I hear she's ditched her boy-friend, ie stopped seeing him