| - vt. 根除, 灭绝, 隔绝, 隔离, 使孤立 deracinate
- v. 根除,灭绝,使孤立 deracinate
- 根除式子宫颈切除术 Radical trachelectomy
- 根除性淋巴切除术(肺叶切除或全肺切除时)良性简单纵膈腔肿瘤切除(<5公分) Benign mediastinal mass excision (< 5cm)
- 根除性筋膜下剥出(如Luinton法)有或无皮肤移植 Stripping, subfascial, radical as Linton type with or without skin graft
- 根除性腹股沟淋巴切除术 Radical inguinal lymphnode dissection
- 根除杂草[弊端] extirpate weeds [evils]
- n. 根除的人, 去污剂, 墨水擦, 消除器, 去墨水液, 褪色灵, 根除者 eradicator
- 根隙 root gap
- 根隙 root opening
- 梅根牌手表 Megna
- 梅泰根 Meteghan
- n. 棉织物的一种, 棉质袜子, 巴尔布里根棉织品, 巴尔布里根织品服装 balbriggan
- 植物的根系环境 root environment (of plants)
- n. 植物的)主根. chief root of a plant, growing straight downwards (
- n. 植物的)根(部) part of a plant that keeps it firmly in the soil and absorbs water and food from the soil (