| - n. 我有许多紧要的工作须在家里做, 因此要有几个星期足不出户. I've got a lot of urgent work to do at home and will have to go into purdah for a couple of weeks
- n. 我正在休假两星期. I'm taking two weeks' holiday
- v. 我每天那样坐著, 一个星期才把我画好. I sat every day for a week until the painting was finished
- 我现在没有汽车, 但是下星期就能有一辆. Have when used in the present tense in British English is more formal than have got *have在英式英语中用於现在时态, 比用have got显得郑重 I haven't got a car now but I'll have one next week.
- v. 我病了六个星期, 痊愈後很长时间才能站稳. After a six-week illness it took me some time to find my feet again
- n. 我的星象怎麽样? What do my stars say?
- adj. 我的生日庆祝会能在哪天举行?'`在离你生日最近的那个星期六吧.' When can I have my birthday party?' `On the Saturday nearest to it.' `
- 我的申请下星期提交计画委员会审批. My application goes before the planning committee next week
- n. 我的直接转帐支票这星期还未汇到. My giro hasn't arrived this week
- adj. 我的租金星期三才到期. My rent isn't due till Wednesday
- v. 我的脚扭伤了, 整整难受了一个星期. My sprained ankle has been acting up badly all week
- n. 我离开不超过一个星期. I shall be away for no more than a week
- 我自己在上星期还这样说过. I said so my`self only last week
- v. 我要当像迈克尔·杰克逊那样的流行歌星. I'm going to be a pop star like Michael Jackson
- v. 我讨厌星期六买东西那麽挤来挤去的. of Saturday shopping
- n. 我这星期有很多事要做. this week