| - n. 他认为官方的解释是一派胡言, 不值一顾. He dismissed the official explanationas complete poppycock
- n. 他讲的话有些地方连贯不起来. his story
- 他还在上学时就惹是生非与警方纠缠了. He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school
- adj. 他这人有些地方很假. There's something very phoney about him
- v. 他逃跑一周後警方才逮住他. He was on the run for a week before the police got him
- adj. 他那万无一失的衣物审美观点、 讨价还价的本能、 方向感 his unerring taste in clothes, instinct for a bargain, sense of direction
- n. 仙境, 奇境, 风景优美的富裕地方 wonderful
- 代价发行〔上市方式〕 consideration issue [listing method]
- 代数方程解算器 algebraic equation solver
- n. 代理人, 代理商, 特工人员, 行为者, 动作者, 作用者, 媒介物, 介质, 主动者, 原因, 动因, 力量, 药剂, 经纪人, 经理人, 事务官, 总办, 总管, 印第安人事务官, 行商, 选举干事, 间谍, 密探, 特务, 工具, 方法, 作用物, 代理 agent
- n. 代理人, 行政长官, 太守, 诉讼代理人, 检察官, 地方财政官, 代诉人 procurator
- 代表州政府或联邦政府在管区内执法的)地方检察官. public prosecutor representing a State or the Federal government in a judicial district (
- 以"展"方式买卖 margin trading
- 以(那种)特殊的方式 in that particular way
- 以...为一方, 以...为另一方 on the one part ... on the other part
- 以...方式 in manner of