| - adj. 我的时间首先得用来照顾我的孩子. My children have a prior claim on my time
- pron. 我看见你先加鸡蛋後放牛奶. 这是一种做法(言外之意, 可能有别的、 更好的做法). I see you add the egg before the milk. That's `one way of doing it, ie suggesting there are other and possibly better ways
- adj. 我穿鞋总是先左後右, 我是很迷信(这件事)的. I always put my left shoe on first; I'm superstitious (about it).
- n. 我要和你比赛看谁先到学校. I'll race you to school, ie try to get there before you do
- adj. 我还需要你, 先别走. I need you still; don't go yet
- n. 所有飞机均须先加油方能作长途飞行. All aircraft must fuel before a long flight
- n. 手和脚最先感到寒冷. Cold affects the extremities first
- 打如意算盘;过早乐观;蛋尚未孵先算鸡 count one's chickens before they're hatched
- n. 打破先例(不按先例行事). break with precedent, ie not act according to precedents
- v. 批准该计画先要有可用的资金. Approval of the plan presupposes that the money will be made available
- vt. 把...区分优先次序 prioritize
- n. 把医学研究置於高度优先的地位. give medical research a high-priority rating
- 把机密事先告诉某人,把内部消息告诉某人 give sb. the wire
- 抢...先 anticipate
- 抢先, 先下手 ride before the hounds
- vt. 抢先, 占先, 先发制人, 阻止, 垄断, 屯积, 抢先一步, 先下手, 占先一步, 先…, 之前, 先...预防, 囤积居奇, 行动, 用先发制人的方法预防, , 阻碍 forestall