  • n.  两向性格, 向性格, 向性格   ambiversion
  • v.  两国间贸易因战争而断.   Trade between the two countries was interrupted by the war
  •   两头大、中间小   be small at both ends and big in the middle
  •   两头大、中间小   a few at each extreme and many in between
  •   两头大、中间小   be small at both ends and big in the middle; a few at each extreme and many in between
  • n.  两字一音, 复合字母构成的一种单音, 有向图, (发一个音的)二合字母(例如phone, key的ph, ey), 两字母发一音, 连字   digraph
  • adj.  两害相权其中之轻者.   the ,lesser of two `evils the less harmful of two bad choices
  •   两市镇间的客店; 途落脚的地方   half-way house
  •   两市镇间的客店; 途落脚的地方   halfway house
  • n.  两年中的五次叛乱.   five rebellions in two years
  • adj.  两村相距一英里, 我家在间.   The two villages are a mile apart, and my house lies midway between them
  • adj.  两极的, 南辕北辙的, 极地的, 极的, 靠近地极的, 正负极的, 碰极的, 极性的, 配极的, 极坐标的, 两种性质相反的, 两个方向相反的, 心的, 有向导意义的, 靠近极地的, 靠近北极(或南极)的, 正好相反的, 有两种相反性质的, 两极的, 南极的, 指引的, 北极的   polar
  • v.  两次击六次未的最後分数.   a final score of two hits and six misses
  • n.  两水路间的)陆运(将小船或货物从一水域经陆地运至另一水域之作业, 如乘小划子途所需的).   carrying boats or goods overland between two rivers, lakes, etc, eg on a canoeing trip (
  • n.  两端可伸缩的行间耕器, 浅耕松土耙, 耕松土机   scuffler
  • indef det  两者的)一个. (a) (det)   indef pron one or the other of two (