  •   林用地(尤指农场的).   area, eg on a farm, kept for growing trees
  • n.  林间空地, 林空地, 沼泽地, 一片表面有草的沼泽低地   glade
  • n.  果心, 核心, 要点, (果实的)核, (事物的)本质, 心部分, 心线(束), 盘心, 铁心, 磁心, 磁芯, 磁芯存储器, 岩心, 型芯, 泥芯, 填充料, 心板, (反应堆)活性区, 堆芯, 芯体, 子晶, 散热器部, 地球核(心), [美](学生共修的)基础课程, (绵羊体内的)肿瘤, 心, 电缆芯线束, 芯线, 果核   core
  • n.  果糖(果汁、 蜂蜜等所含的糖).   type of sugar found in fruit juice, honey, etc
  • n.  果肉, 果皮, 肉果, 肉果皮, 多果肉的果子   sarcocarp
  • n.  果肉, 纸浆, 动物体的肉质部分, 牙髓, 浆状物, 矿浆, 软绵绵的东西, 柔软无力的东西, 庸俗杂志, 动植物体内的肉质部分, (纸纸用的)纸浆, 书籍, 杂志   pulp
  • adj.  果胶的, 粘胶质的, 从果胶得到的   pectic
  • n.  枢, 枢轴, 支枢, 支点, 基准, 轴兵, 心点, 枢, 枢纽, 要点, 回转运动, 心人物, 重点   pivot
  • adj.  枢轴的, 枢的, 关键的, 枢要的, 关键性的   pivotal
  •   枣, 中国枣   Chinese date
  • n.  枯燥的工作少有的一项乐趣.   one of the few gratifications of an otherwise boring job
  • n.  某一地区)设有邮局的镇.   town to which the post for a district is delivered (
  •   某中学的)校友领带.   tie worn by former pupils of a particular school (
  • n.  某事物的)合法权益(如企业的)(尤指利润)   , esp in its profits (
  • n.  某事物和care to do某事物意为`希望'或`喜欢', 均较庄重. They are mostly used with would in negative sentences and in questions 这两个词组在否定句和疑问句多与would连用   Care for something and care to do something mean `wish' or `like' and are rather formal. *care for
  • n.  某事物或活动的)所在地, 心   place where sth is based, or where an activity is carried on (