  • n.  纯粹)因为有兴趣[从兴趣发/为了兴趣]而做某事(以满足求知欲).   to satisfy a desire for knowledge (
  • adj.  纯血种的,身高贵,有教养的   highbred
  •   纳史出斯汽锤打桩机   Nasmyth pile-driver
  • n.  纸牌戏中)不牌, 不叫牌, 弃权.   act of not playing a card or making a bid when it is one's turn (
  • n.  纸牌戏中)偷牌(打手中并非最大的牌以赢得一墩的手法).   by playing a card that is not the highest one held (
  • n.  纸牌戏中)打王牌胜(另一牌或他家).   in a card-game (
  • n.  纸牌戏中)首先牌, 首先牌权   act or right of playing first (
  • n.  纸牌游戏, 尤指桥牌)明手, 梦家(将牌摊者).   player whose cards are placed facing upwards on the table and played by his partner (
  • n.  纸牌游戏中)出牌   face upwards on the table in a game of cards (
  • n.  纹丝不动的躯体显示不有生命的迹象.   The motionless body showed no signs of life
  • vt.  纺, 吐, 结网, 结, 编造, 讲, 使转动, 旋制, 抽成细丝, 拖延, 拉长, 抛, 旋压, 赶形加工, 离心铸造, 丢开, 卷边焊接, 使考试不及格, 使过度疲劳, 欺骗, 钓鱼   spin
  •   纺织机械技术进口公司   Import Corporation of Technology of Textile Machinery
  •   纺织机械进出口公司   Import Corporation of Textile Machinery
  •   线性输出传感器   linear output sensor
  • adj.  线的, 直线的, 线状的, 长度的, 一次的, 线性的, 细长的, 由线条组成的, 以线条为主的, 强调线条的, 用线条勾画外形的   linear
  • n.  线索, 暗示, 领迷宫的线, 线团, 横帆的一只下角, 纵帆的后下角, 帆下角的金属环, [, (船的)帆耳   clew