| - v. 杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵. The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests
- n. 束棒, 束棒, 权标(古罗马高级执法官吏的权标, 形状为一束棍棒, 中有一柄露出的斧头, 为, 意大利法西斯党的标志, 一束, 法西斯, 权力的象征 fasces
- 杠杆式地中衡 lever under-ground weigh bridge
- n. 条理, 斑纹, 倾向, 条纹, 线条, 闪光, 拖影, 特色, 气质, 性情, 癖性, 条层, 矿脉, 一连串, 一系列, 一阵, 短时期, 裸体奔跑, 快跑者, 迅速工作者, 划线, 条斑, 条纹, 条痕, (性格中显现的)气质 streak
- n. 条约中的第4节第2小节 section 4, subsection 2 of the treaty
- n. 来看她在新乐队中的演奏吧. Come and see her in performance with the new band
- n. 来访的要人)在人群中漫步(尤指皇室人员) informal stroll among a crowd by an important visitor, esp a royal person (
- n. 杯, 大盘, 圣杯, 盘, 长期以来梦寐以求的东西, (传说中耶稣在最后的晚餐中用过的)圣杯, 圣盘(亦作HolyGrail) grail
- n. 松糕点心(用蛋糕做成的甜食, 有时带水果, 通常浸於酒中或果冻中, 上浇蛋奶沙司和奶油). sweet dish made of sponge-cake and sometimes fruit, usu soaked in wine or jelly, and topped with custard and cream
- n. 松鼠, 松鼠毛皮, 威士忌酒, 疯子, 怪人, 心理学家, 精神病专家, 乱开车的人, 追随人家后面想成为其中一分子的人 squirrel
- adj. 板球中投球时)挥臂过肩(的) with the arm swung over the shoulder (
- v. 板球中的)切球 stroke played in the direction one is facing with the bat held horizontally (
- 板球中的)(短距触地)长反弹球(易被击中). ball that pitches short and is easy to hit (
- adv. 板球中)一个投球手一次连续投出的六个球 series of six balls bowled in succession from one end of the wicket by the same bowler (
- n. 板球中)一队於第一局结束後紧接著举行的第二局. second innings of a team immediately following its first innings (