| - 机舱集中控制 centralized engine room control
- 机舱集中控制 centralized engine-room control
- 机舱集中控制台 centralized control console of engine room
- 机舱集中控制室 centralized control room for machinery
- 机舱集中控制室 centralized control room of engine room
- 机舱集中控制系统 centralized engine room control system
- 机舱集中控制系统 CERC system
- n. 杀, 杀戮, 水道, 小河(主要用于特拉华州和纽约州的地名中, 猎获物, 杀死, 猎杀 kill
- n. 杂志, 期刊, 仓库, 军火库, 弹仓, 弹盒, 弹盘, 底片夹, 暗盒, 资源地, 宝库, 火炉中燃料室, 料斗, 储料匣, 储砂筒, 卡片存储装置, 自动储存送料装置, 弹药库, (连发枪的)弹仓, 弹夹, 胶卷盒 magazine
- n. 杂志等文章中的)标题, 题目. short title or heading of an article in a magazine, etc (
- n. 杂技中的)滚翻, 空翻, 跟头 acrobaticrolling movement in which a person turns his feet over his head on the ground or in the air (
- 杂散中子 stray neutron
- n. 杂耍、 游戏等表演的)主持人(尤指广播或电视中的). person who introduces the performers in a variety programme or game show, esp on radio or television (
- n. 权利等的)失效, 中止, 结束, 消失(因不行使所致). ending of a right, etc because of disuse (
- 杆式中耕除草机 rod weeder
- adj. 村中德高望重的前辈 the village elders, ie the old and respected people of the village