| - 末名奖(为开玩笑送给竞赛中最後一名的奖品). prize given as a joke to the person who is last in a race or competition
- 末日机器(幻想中的一种毁灭世界的机器) D-Machine
- n. 本堂, 中央部, 车轮的中心部, 正殿, 听众席, 中央广场, 车轮毂, 套, (教堂的)中殿, 中央广场 nave
- n. 本堂神父, 专职教士, 随军教士, 教士, (学校、医院、军队、监狱中的)牧师, 牧师 chaplain
- 本性中邪恶的一面; 劣根性 one's worse self
- n. 本议会谴责首相所采取的行动(如在辩论中宣称). This house condemns the Prime Minister's action, eg said in a debate
- 术中内镜检查 intraoperative endoscopy
- 术中内镜检查术 intraoperative endoscopy
- 术中胆管造影术 intraoperative cholangiography
- n. 朱迪思(女子名), 朱迪丝, 旧约书中的主要人物 judith
- n. 机动车赛中的)检修加油站. place near the race-track where cars can stop for fuel, new tyres, etc during a race (
- n. 机动车齿轮箱中的)同步齿轮系. device in a vehicle's gearbox that makes the parts turn at the same speed and thus allows gears to be changed smoothly (
- 机器集中控制台 centralized machinery control console
- adj. 机场或城市中的)航空集散站. building at an airport or in a town where air passengers arrive and depart (
- 机引中耕机 tractor-drawn cultivator
- n. 机械工将发动机中的油全部放走. The mechanic drained all the oil from the engine