| - 最大中毒 peak poisoning
- n. 最好的队员都投奔大俱乐部去了, 就只给我们剩下些不中用的人. The best players go off to the big clubs, leaving us the dross
- n. 最重要的项目(如展览中的). most important item, eg in a display
- n. 最高权威, 威严, 王权, 雄伟, 壮丽, 庄严, 主权, 统治权, 君权, 皇室人物, 王族, 陛下, 光轮中的耶稣圣像, 宏伟, 最高权力, (前面与His, Her, Your连用)陛下 majesty
- 月中人(指月面的黑斑); 假想的人 the man in the moon
- v. 月亮从云层中隐现. The moon peeped out from behind the clouds
- v. 有一头狮子从笼中逃走了. A lion has escaped from its cage
- n. 有两名运动员在比赛中受伤. Two players were injured during the match
- v. 有个气球从空中飘过. A balloon floated across the sky
- 有中心抽头的电阻 center tapped resistance
- 有中插板的船 centerboarder
- v. 有五条道路以这个环状交叉路为中心向各方伸展开. Five roads radiate from this roundabout
- adj. 有些人可能认为无线电广播在广播事业中稍逊一筹. Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting
- n. 有些人说电视中的暴力镜头与生活中的暴力犯罪并无关系. relationship between violence on television and crimes of violence
- n. 有利的状况(如竞争中或战争中的) state of being advantageously placed (eg in a competition or a war)
- adj. 有十九世纪英国中产阶级的品性及观点的 having the qualities and outlook attributed to middle-class people in Britain in the nineteenth century