| - n. 因悲哀)憔悴, 消瘦. peak and pine become ill because of grief; waste away (
- n. 因悲哀)憔悴, 消瘦(而死亡) because of grief (
- n. 因疾病、 疑虑、 坏消息而苦恼 be troubled by illness, doubt, bad news
- 因观众太少而取消演出. The show had to be taken off because of poor audiences
- n. 园艺劳动是非常有益的消遣. Gardening is a very rewarding pastime
- n. 园艺活动是一种消遣方式. Gardening is a form of recreation
- n. 围巾, 头巾, 厚手套, 消声器, 拳击用手套, 减音器, 回气管 muffler
- 固定式消防炮 fixed monitor
- 固定式消防炮 turntable monitor
- 固定消防员 permanent
- 固定消防装置 permanent fire protection system
- 国内呼叫监视消息 National Call Supervision Message (NCB)
- 国内地区使用消息 National Area Message (NAM)
- 国家标准局消防研究中心 NBS Center for Fire Research
- 国家消防 NFA
- 国家消防 National Fire Academy