派Chinese English Phrase:
| - adj. 表现主义的, 有表现派作风的 expressionistic
- n. 表现派的人, 表现派作家 expressionist
- n. 表象论,表象主义,具象派美术,具象主义 representationalism
- 表里不一的人; 两面派 a double dealer
- adj. 衰微的, 堕落的, 颓废的, 衰落的, 文艺颓废期的, 颓废派的 decadent
- 被派往竞争的同业店中去购买东西, 以探听行情, 广告方式以及营业情况等的零售商店的雇用人员 comparison shopper
- n. 被派给设计新购物中心的任务. tasked with the design of a new shopping centre
- 装出了不起的样子, 摆 架子; 耍派头, 摆阔气 put on (the) dog
- adj. 装艺术的, 艺术家气派的, 冒充艺术品的, 自命艺术家的, 附庸风雅的, 装作懂艺术的 arty
- adj. 规范语法阐述的是该派语法学家认为的某语言的口语或书面语的标准形式. A normative grammar of a language describes how its authors think the language should be spoken or written
- 警察局派出所 police station
- v. 警方正在重组作案经过(如派员到案发现场重演作案过程或汇集事实资料综合思考). Police are trying to reconstruct the crime, eg by using actors at the place where it was committed or by assembling the known facts
- n. 警方派人监视那个可疑人的住宅. The police put a watch on the suspect's house
- n. 警方派出大队人马在示威游行的现场戒备. force
- n. 警方派探员盯住那个抢劫疑犯. The police put a shadow on the suspected robber
- n. 记号使用者, 象征主义者, 符号学者, 符号使用者, 象征派诗人, 符号论者, 符号象征学学者, 使用象征者 symbolist