| - 出身高贵[低微]的, 有[没]地位的 of lowly station
- n. 初学者, 容易受骗的人, 生手, 没有经验的人, 易受骗的人, 缺乏经验的人, 不懂世故的人 greenhorn
- n. 初学者, 生手, 没有经验者, 创立人, 鼻祖, 无经验者 beginner
- v. 别人都跑了, 但我在原地没动. All the others ran away, but I sat tight
- v. 别唠唠叨叨说个没完! Don't gush
- v. 别急著要走--我还没完呢. off -- I haven't finished
- v. 别抱怨了! 你没什麽可抱怨的. Stop grumbling! You've got nothing to complain about
- n. 别没事找事, 自寻烦恼. Don't get into a fuss about nothing
- v. 别没精打采的! 起来站直了! Don't slouch! Stand up straight
- 别着急;别担心;没关系;别介意。 Never mind.
- 别装作没事的样子了, 我们知道你把饼乾都吃光了. Don't put on that innocent look; we know you ate all the biscuits
- v. 别讥笑, 他没错. he's quite right
- n. 别跟那伙人厮混在一起, 否则绝没有好下场. Don't go around with that gang or you'll come to no good
- 别难过;没关系; 不重要 never mind
- adv. 到国外, 在国外, 到海外, 在室外, 广泛地, 遍布, 流行, 到处传开, 远, 广, 大错特错, 到处, 广泛, 在户外, 往国外, 海外, 差得远, 心里没有谱 abroad
- n. 到底是谁干的, 我猜了几次没猜著就不再猜了. After a few shots at guessing who did it, I gave up