星Chinese English Phrase:
| - 我们的会议下星期五开行吗? Will next Friday do for our meeting?
- adj. 我们的秘书刚刚辞职, 下星期特别令人担心. Next week will be particularly fraught as we've just lost our secretary
- adj. 我们让大雪困在村舍里两个星期. We were snow-bound in the cottage for two weeks
- n. 我们队星期六一败涂地. took a real pasting on Saturday
- v. 我可没办法靠每星期50英镑维持生活. on 50 a week
- v. 我吃鱼吃了一个星期之後就腻了. After a week I tired of eating fish
- 我已经有一个星期不想吃东西了. my food for a week
- adj. 我已经预约了下星期去美容. I've made an appointment for a facial next week
- n. 我总是在星期一买东西. I always do the shopping on a Monday
- v. 我想我们下星期去. I reckon we'll go next week
- n. 我手头缺钱, 下星期再付给你吧. I'm short of funds so I'll pay you next week
- n. 我才刚来俩星期, 还不大了解这里的组织结构. I've only been here for a couple of weeks and don't really know the set-up
- n. 我整个星期没有卖出东西. I haven't made a sale all week
- n. 我星期一至星期五工作. to Friday(s).
- adj. 我星期二不能来参加宴会, 我有别的事. I can't come to dinner on Tuesday; I'm otherwise engaged, ie I've already arranged to do something else
- adj. 我星期五辞职後当天就离开了. I resigned on Friday and left that same day