先Chinese English Phrase:
| - v. 我对我先前说的话, 没有什么补充的. I have nothing to add to my earlier statement
- v. 我已做好准备要提出反对意见, 不料斯蒂芬斯却抢先了一步. I had my objection all prepared, but Stephens forestalled me
- adj. 我应该先审慎打探一下这家公司的底细, 然後您再签字. I should make a few discreet enquires about the firm before you sign anything
- v. 我建议(你)先见见他. meeting him first
- v. 我得先斟酌一下, 才能决定是否接受这样的提议. I'd hesitate before accepting such an offer
- 我得先看看房子, 然後才能给你出个价钱. I shall need to see over the house before I can make you an offer
- v. 我必须先付房价的10%作定钱. I had to deposit 10% of the price of the house
- v. 我总是把衬衫先弄潮湿再熨. I always dampen shirts before ironing them
- adv. 我想先喝汤再吃鸡. I'll have soup first and then the chicken
- 我想更正我先前的不实之词. I wish to correct my earlier misstatement
- v. 我把箱子放在哪里?'`先放在汽车顶上吧.' 3 (idm 习语) put/shove/stick one's oar in =>oar. Where shall I put the case?' `Shove it on top of the car.' `
- v. 我最好还是先想想再做决定. I'd better have a think before I decide
- 我有优先通行权, 你本应当停车让我先过. It's my right of way, so you should have stopped and let me go
- 我的好先生[人, 朋友](客气称呼, 但含讽刺、傲慢或愤慨之意) my good sir [man, friend]
- adj. 我的好先生、 好人、 好朋友等 my good sir, man, friend, etc
- n. 我的收入已先行扣除了所得税. My income is taxed at source, ie Tax is deducted from it before it is paid to me