| - vt. 再折扣, 重贴现, 再贴现 rediscount
- n. 再折扣,重贴现票据 rediscount
- n. 农业津贴、 设备. farming subsidies, equipment
- n. 农民要俯首贴耳为地主效劳. The peasants owed service and obedience to their overlord
- 刨花板及贴面 shaving board and attaching veneer
- n. 利益, 好处, 恩惠, 退休金, 津贴, 救济金, 保险抚恤金, 义演, 义赛 benefit
- n. 到处贴满了广告宣传这一新节目. Advertisementshave been posted up everywhere announcing the new show
- n. 刺绣样品(用以展示刺绣技艺, 常贴於墙上). piece of cloth embroidered to show skill in needlework and often displayed on a wall
- 剑麻贴墙纸 sisal hemp wall paper
- n. 剪纸装饰, 剪贴工艺, 剪画, 剪影 decoupage
- 剪贴纹理 clipping
- n. 副校长, 贴近构架主材的桷或系梁, 八音的最低音 subprincipal
- 加贴边的鞋 welt footwear
- v. 勉强发给老年人的少量津贴. allowances grudgingly doled out to the elderly
- n. 印花贴签(尤指出售以捐助慈善事业的). small decorative sticker like a postage stamp, esp one sold in aid of charity
- 危险品包装标贴 hazardous substance mark