  • adj.  我们请了比尔、 姆和休--最後提到的这位是比尔的妹妹.   We invited Bill, Tom and Sue -- the last being Bill's sister
  •   我希望到我表哥姆那儿去过圣诞节. We call on someone for an official purpose 因公事去见某人可以说call on   I'm hoping to go and stay with my cousin Tom over Christmas.
  • v.  我建议汤姆去沏茶.   I nominate Tom to make the tea
  • adv.  我想先喝汤再吃鸡.   I'll have soup first and then the chicken
  • n.  我的汤里有根毛.   There's a hair in my soup
  • n.  戴利·姆森正从里圈赶上来了.   Daley Thomson is coming up on the inside
  • vt.  把在中浸一浸, 浸泡, 下水, 高高跳起把篮球塞入篮中, 泡着吃   dunk
  • v.  把汤搅拌一下.   Give the soup a stir
  • v.  把锅从炉子上端开时, 就不再沸腾了.   The boiling soup subsided when the pot was taken off the heat
  • v.  把(上面的)油撇去.   skim the fat off (the soup)
  •   拍马屁, 灌米汤   sweet talk
  •   搪瓷汤匙   enamel soup spoon
  • n.  无头甘蓝类, 甘蓝类蔬菜, 甘蓝, 散叶甘蓝, 羽衣甘蓝, 不结球甘蓝, 无头甘蓝, 蔬菜, 青菜, 菜场, 钱   kale
  •   无盖汤锅   soup pan without cover
  • n.  有喙欧芹叶(用作羹和色拉的调料).   its leaves used to flavour soups and salads
  • n.  有盖盘, 有盖的陶磁大盘, 焙盘, 蒸锅, 大而深的盆, 带盖的盆, 有盖的盘, 盛的碗   tureen