  •   交叉堆垛   cross piling
  •   交叉堆積   cross stacking
  •   産鈈反應堆   plutonium reactor
  •   産鈈反應堆   plutonium producing reactor
  •   産鈈反應堆   plutonium only reactor
  •   産鈈發電兩用反應堆   plutonium and power reactor
  •   人工堆肥   artificial farmyard
  •   從動磁核聚變反應堆   driven magnetic fusion reactor
  • v.  從廢物裏往往能撿到一些挺好的舊傢具.   You can often scavenge nice bits of old furniture from skips
  •   倉庫堆放示意圖   planograph
  • v.  仔細檢查成堆的信件   sift through the piles of correspondence
  • n.  他們傢簡直是個垃圾.   Their house is an absolute tip
  • v.  他們的衣服雜亂地在地板上.   Their clothes lay in a huddle on the floor
  • n.  他的辦公桌上老是滿寫著字的紙.   His desk is always covered with papers
  • n.  任何的)群, , 組, , 串   number of people, animals or things grouped closely together (
  •   會切熱核反應堆   cusp thermonuclear reactor