| - adj. 丑陋的伤口、 刀伤、 伤痕等 an ugly wound, gash,scar, etc
- 两肋插刀,不惜一切 put one's ass on the line
- 两面三刀, 口不应心 carry fire in one hand and water in the other
- 两面铣刀 double-side milling cutter
- 严厉对待, 大刀阔斧地处理 handle without gloves
- 中刀锉 middle knife file
- 中心孔铰刀 center reamer
- 中心孔铰刀 centre reamer
- 中心架及刀架 steady rest and tool holder
- 中粗齿锥柄立铣刀 taper end milling cutter with middle coarse teeth
- 中齿锯片铣刀 slotting saw with medium teeth
- 串刀裘皮大衣 letout fur overcoat
- 串株镰刀菌 Fusarlum moniliforme
- 串珠镰刀菌素 moniliformin
- 串联闸刀开关 tandem knife switch
- n. 串肉杆, 串肉扦, 扦状物, 叉状物, 剑, 刀, 扣针, 卷线针, 烤肉叉, 扦, 棒 skewer