| - n. 与新来乍到者不同, 对那些工作多年的雇员将予以优待. Employees who have worked here for many years will be given preference over newcomers
- n. 与格(某些屈折语中的名词、 代词或形容词的一种形式, 用以表示所指的人物接受某事物或从一行动中获益). to indicate or describe esp the person who receives sth or benefits from an action
- 与要做的事情有一些关系. bear some relevance to the matter in hand
- n. 东方某些宗教行默念之道. Meditation is practised by some Eastern religions
- n. 个案研究(对一个人或一些人在一段时间的情况发展的研究). study of the development of a person or group of people over a period of time
- adj. 中午饱餐一顿後有些困. feeling rather somnolent after a large lunch
- n. 中间休息时有些点心(如冰激凌、 炸土豆片、 巧克力). are available during the interval
- 丹麦国里恐怕有些不可告人的坏事; 情况非常糟糕。(莎士比亚语) Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.
- v. 为争一些小面包屑叽叽喳喳叫的鸟 birds squabbling over bits of bread
- n. 为大学的理科多提供些经费 more funding for science in the universities, ie for the work of those studying it
- n. 为学生、 某些工人、 无家者、 旅客等提供膳宿的)寄宿舍, 招待所(通常收费低廉) food and lodging are provided for students, certain groups of workers, the homeless, travellers, etc (
- n. 为应付紧急情况而待命的一些医生 a pool of doctors available for emergency work
- 为我们这些高贵的人, 为我们自已(干杯)! To our noble selves!
- 为战争或某些活动筹集的)专用基金. fund of money collected to pay for a war or some other campaign (
- adv. 主要地, 第一, 首先, 主要, 大半, 首要, 他饲养动物, 主要是牛和一些猪。, 尤其 chiefly
- adv. 乔伊斯未能参加音乐会, 有些可惜. It's rather a shame that Joyce missed the concert