| - vt. 租, 租出, 租借, 出租, 租得 lease
- vt. 租用, 租, 雇用, 雇, 雇请, 出租 hire
- 租赁,承包经营和出售 partnership, leasing, contract operation and sell-off
- n. 租金, 租用, 雇用, 酬金, 工钱, 租用hireout出租 hire
- 称; 称出...的重量 weigh up
- 称出, 量出 weigh out
- v. 称出指定重量的某物 It's been weighing on my mind for days whether to tell her or not. 我这几天心烦意乱, 不知道应该不应告诉她. weigh sth out measure a quantity of sth by weight
- 移交或交出某物;放弃某事物 render sth up, hand over or surrender sth; yield sth.
- 移出扩散理论 removal diffusion theory
- n. 移民, 移居外国, 移民, 侨民, 血细胞渗出, 移居, 移民出境, 侨居, 移民 emigration
- n. 移民局的官员将要求你出示证件. Immigration officials will ask to see your papers
- vt. 移置, 转移, 代替, 顶换, 置换, 取代, 使背井离乡, 撤换, 把...免职, 排出...的水, 有...的排水量, 使过滤, 移位, 替换, 替代 displace
- adj. 移走(物件)以留出空间 in order to leave a clear space
- adj. 稀有的, 罕见的, 不常发生的, 稀少的, 稀薄的, 杰出的, 非常有趣的, 极有意思的, 珍奇的, 煮得很嫩的, 稀罕的, 珍贵的, 半熟的 rare
- 程序读出器 program reader
- 稳定流出 stable effluent