| - comb form 是乡间小径. A path or footpath is a way marked out for people to walk along, between houses in a town or across fields, beside rivers, etc in the country. *path或footpath是市镇中住宅之间或郊野中穿越田地、 沿河等有标志的人行道?w. A track is a rough path in the country, often not officially marked, but made by the constant passing of people, animals or vehicles. *track指郊野土路, 常无正式标志, 仅为人、 动物或车辆走得多而形成者. Lane and track can also refer to the separate parts of a road (lane) or railway (track) separating cars or trains passing in opposite directions or overtaking *lane和track还可指分开来自对面车辆或供超车用的部分路面, 公路用lane, 铁路用track A lane is a narrow country road. *lane
- n. 是在一些工业城市的空气中烟与雾的混合物, 是有害於健康的. a heat-haze 热天的薄雾. Smog is an unhealthy mixture of smoke and fog in the air of some industrial cities. *smog
- n. 是字母表中的第二个字母. B' is the second letter of the alphabet. B
- n. 是少数派(尤指在投票的两部分人中) the minority be in the smaller of esp two voting groups
- n. 是最普通的中性词, 指可藉France或China这样的名称加以识别的地理区域 Country is the most usual and neutral word for a geographical area identified by a name, such as France or China *country
- 是某人的囊中之物 in one's back pocket
- n. 是英语中常用的法语词语. Deja vu' is a Gallicism often used in English. deja vu
- 显示中心 display center
- n. 显示某种标志或口号的布制的)横幅(通常用两根竿子撑开或握举, 见於如政治或宗教的游行行列中) large strip of cloth showing an emblem or slogan, which is displayed or carried, usu on two poles, during eg political or religious processions (
- adj. 晕厥的, 词中略去字母或音节的, 假死的, 昏厥的 syncopal
- n. 晚霜能冻死园中的植物. Late frosts are ruination for the garden
- adj. 普卢托, 神话中的冥王 Pluto, the mythological king of the underworld
- 普通中等教育证书(的考试)(在英国80年代末采用, 以取代普通教育和中等教育的普通级考试). Cf 参看 A/S level, Certificate of Secondary Education, General Certificate of Education. any of a range of examinations introduced in Britain in the late 1980s to replace both the Ordinary level GCE and the CSE
- n. 普通人, 一般人, 15世纪道德剧中的主人公, 平常人 everyman
- adj. 普遍存在的, 内在的, 内涵的, 固有的, 含蓄的, 意识之内的, 存在于宇宙万物之中的, 无所不在的(上帝), 无所不在的 immanent
- n. 普鲁斯病, 布鲁氏菌病, 地中海热, 马耳他热, 布鲁氏杆菌病, 普鲁氏菌病 brucellosis