| - adj. 日本戏剧中高度程式化的表演. the highly stylized form of acting in Japanese theatre
- 日本汽车标准国际化中心 Japan Automobile Standards Internationalization Center
- n. 日耳曼语系中的)元音变化(在元音上加两点作为标志, 如德语中的 der Mann/die Manner). in German (
- v. 日记中描述了他家反宅乱的事. The diary portrays his family as quarrelsome and malicious
- n. 旧时厨房或浴室中通常燃煤气的)热水器. in a kitchen or bathroom (
- n. 旧时某些国家的)城市中的犹太人区. Jewish quarter of a town (
- n. 旧时离婚诉讼中被控通奸的)共同被告 person accused of committing adultery with the respondent in a divorce case (
- n. 旧时)中国政府的高级官吏. high-ranking government official in China (
- n. 旧时)乡村中收留走失的牲畜以待失主认领的围场. enclosed area in a village where cattle, etc that had strayed were kept until their owners claimed them (
- n. 旧时)公学中为高年级男生服务的低年级男生. junior boy at a public school performing certain duties for a senior boy (
- n. 旧时)政治委员(苏联军队中的). officer in the army of the USSR giving political instruction (
- n. 旧时)童话剧中的滑稽角色(通常身穿杂色衣服, 头戴面具). comic character in pantomime, usu dressed in a costume of many colours and wearing a mask (
- n. 旧时)(封建制度中的)农奴. person forced by a landowner to work on the land in a feudal system (
- 旧时)(英国富家子弟教育中, 到欧洲大陆观光的)大旅行(为学业的必经阶段). tour of the chief towns, countries, etc of Europe, considered as completing the education of a wealthy young person (
- n. 旧约》中的先知. the Prophets of the Old Testament 《
- n. 旧约》中的)先知书. the Prophets [pl] the prophetical books of the Old Testament (《