| - v. 石油的涌出、 怒火的迸发、 热情的奔放. a gush of oil, anger, enthusiasm
- n. 石油美元(国家出口石油所得的美元). US dollar earned by a country that exports petroleum
- 石英氯气出口管 burner outer pipe of quartz
- 矿床浸出 deposit leaching
- 矿穴气喷出 nest outburst
- v. 研究出某物的(新)用途. use for sth
- n. 研究该国的出口贸易 make a study of the country's export trade
- n. 砰然的一击, 妙计, 出乎意料的行动, 策略, 政变, 砰然而有效的一击 coup
- adj. 破开了汽车残骸才把司机解救出来. The driver had to be cut free from the wreckage of his car
- adj. 破记录的出席率、 飞行、 跳跃、 时间. a record-breaking attendance, flight, jump, time
- 硝酸浸出 nitric acid leaching
- 硫总出水量 water yield
- v. 硬强地拉出,探听,作螺旋状的前进 corkscrew
- vt. 硬拉出,探听 corkscrew
- n. 硬物相碰发出的声音 of a hard object hitting a hard surface
- n. 硬物落下或相撞时发出的)连续撞击声 of hard objects falling or knocking against each other (