| - vt. 无意中听到, 从旁听到, 偷听 overhear
- v. 无意中听到,偷听 overhear
- 无意中找到;偶然想出 hit on/upon
- n. 无意中泄露秘密的表情、 言语等 look, remark, etc that unintentionally reveals a secret
- 无意中给别人占了便宜, 无意中帮了某人的大忙 play sb.'s game
- 无意中给别人占了便宜, 无意中帮了某人的大忙 play the game of sb.
- adv. 无意识地, 无意中, 不知不觉 unconsciously
- 无效, 没有作用, 不中用 be of no effect
- 无源中继用反射器 reflector for passive relay
- n. 无烟区(房屋、 工厂等中只准使用无烟燃料的市区) smokeless zones, ie urban areas in which only smokeless fuels may be used in houses, factories, etc
- 无索偿优惠(自每年投保金额中扣除的, 尤指对机动车主的). sum deducted from the money paid annually, esp by a motorist, for insurance after a year when no claims are made
- 无线电、 电视播送的)要闻简报(有时需中断其他节目而播出). short item of important news broadcast on radio or television, sometimes interrupting another programme (
- 无线电中继设备 radio relay equipment
- 无线电中继设备 radio repeater set
- 无线电中继通信设备 radio relay set
- 无线电广播的)中波 medium wave (