| - v. 他潛入房間. He stole into the room
- adj. 他病了很長時間了. He's been ill for a long time
- 他的事跡已成為人間傳奇. Hisdeeds have passed into legend, ie because of their bravery,importance, etc
- v. 他的政治觀點在兩個極端之間搖擺不定. He oscillates between political extremes
- adj. 他的時間排得很滿, 學生根本無法和他接觸. His busy schedule made him completely inaccessible to his students
- v. 他盛怒之下大搖大擺走出了房間. He pranced out of the room in a fury
- v. 他瞬間滿臉通紅. A blush suffused his cheeks
- n. 他離開了房間而未加解釋. He left the room without explanation
- indef det 他空閑時間很多--大都消磨在花園裏了. He has a lot of free time he spends most of it in the garden
- n. 他穿衣要用很長時間. He takes ages to dress
- n. 他老是亂扔舊雜志, 弄得房間凌亂不堪. He's always littering up the room with his old magazines
- 他花了一些時間纔瞭解了新學校的情況. It took him some time to orientate himself in his new school
- adj. 他認為度假浪費時間和金錢. In his opinion, holidays are a waste of time and money
- 他說他沒有時間, 或是諸如此類的藉口. He said he hadn't got time or made some such excuse
- v. 他貶低她所作的努力(認為是浪費時間). He decried her efforts (as a waste of time).
- 他走到我跟前問我什麽時間. and asked the time