  •   给某人应得的报应; 某人活   serve sb. right
  • n.  统治国达50多年之久的独裁者   a dictator who controlled the country for over 50 years
  • v.  罗伯特的贡献同样应久志不忘.   Robert's contribution should also be remembered
  • n.  罪, 罪孽, =sine, (违背上帝或神圣法律的)罪, 罪恶, 犯罪, 犯法, 过失, 不做的事, 违背习俗, 不合情理之事, 罪过, 正弦函数   sin
  • v.  美国军舰已派往地区.   American warships have been dispatched to the area
  • n.  美国国旗制定纪念日(6月14日, 为纪念1777年日决定以星条旗为美国国旗).   14 June, anniversary of the day in 1777 when the Stars and Stripes became the national flag
  • n.  羞愧, 遗憾的事, 耻辱, 廉耻心, 可耻的人, 侮辱, 不贞, 不应的事情, 令人惋惜的事, 羞耻, 惭愧, 不名誉, 惋惜的事, 可耻的事, 可耻的人   shame
  •   老师们自己惊奇得不知说什麽好.   The teachers were themselves too surprised to comment
  •   耶和华见证人(相信世界末日在即的一种教派的教徒, 认为除教教徒外, 一切人都将受到惩罚).   member of a religious organization which believes that the end of the world is near and that everyone will be damned except its own members
  • n.  联合国在地区驻有军队.   The United Nations maintains a military presence in the area
  • n.  自从发生了这件丑闻, 校名声大为下降.   Since the scandal, the school has rather fallen into disrepute
  • n.  自从禁用药以来, 药的使用并未减少.   Use of the drug has not declined since its prohibition
  • adv.  自村望去, 群山之巅清晰可见.   The mountain tops are plainly visible from the village
  • v.  舔邮票的反面(弄湿处的胶水)   lick the back of a postage stamp, ie to moisten the glue
  •   若到说某种语言的国家去, 就能把种语言学得好些.   You learn a language better if you visit the country where it's spoken
  •   英国伦敦培养律师的四个学院 (lnner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's lnn 和 Gray's lnn); 四个律师学院所属的建筑物   the Inns of Court