| - n. 查阅与物品搭配用的确切量词, 请参考有关词条. a bar of soap 一块肥皂. Please consult the relevant entry to find the correct word for the item concerned
- 校外考试(由校外专家前来主持的考试). taking the examination
- n. 校样, 证据, 证明, 证词, 物证, 考验, 验证, 试管, 印样, 标准酒精度, 试验, 耐力, 坚牢程度, 不贯穿性, 样片, 样张, 证法, 审问, (酒类的)强度标准, 校样 proof
- n. 根据某人[某事物](本身)的品质、 价值等来考虑、 判断...某人[某事物]. its own qualities, worth, etc, regardless of one's personal feelings
- 梅斯考尔马奎叶纤维 mescal maguey
- 检定合格标准参考物质 certified reference material
- 检定合格标准参考物质 crm
- n. 检查, 考试, 审查, 考察, 诊察, 检验, 验证, 观察, 研究, 分析, 盘问, 审问, 检讨, 测验, 细查 examination
- v. 检查, 调查, 考试 examine
- adj. 检查的, 审查的, 考试的, 主考人的, 检查者的 examinatorial
- v. 模拟战争、 考试. a mock battle, exam, eg for training or practice
- 横向思维(解决问题的方法, 以异乎寻常而显然不合逻辑的方法思考). way of solving problems by letting the mind consider unusual and apparently illogical approaches to them
- adj. 欠考虑的举动、 言语. inconsiderate behaviour, remarks
- adj. 正在考虑、 处理或讨论中的 now being considered, dealt with or discussed
- prep. 正在考虑、 讨论等中的问题. matters under consideration, discussion,etc
- v. 正在考试--请勿打扰 Exam in Progress Do Not Disturb