  • adj.  我们应该实事求是地把费用算出来, 然後再做决定.   We must be practical and work out the cost before we make a decision
  •   我们有许多事情要做, 但最重要的是收拾行李.   We've got a lot of things to do, but packing is top of the list
  • v.  我们比他们机灵, 抄近道到了.   We outsmarted them and got there first by taking a shorter route
  • adv.  我们现在试验性地使用这种物质.   We are using the substance experimentally at first
  • v.  我们需要知道的是这一犯罪行为是否经过事策画.   We needed to know whether the crime had been premeditated
  • n.  我们首要把这些旧家具搬走.   For openers we'll get rid of this old furniture
  • v.  我体谅你可能事已另有承诺.   I appreciate that you may have prior commitments
  •   我做我原的那份工作要带劲得多. Aged is more formal than old and is used of very old people who have possibly become physically weak.*aged比old文些, 用以指年老的人, 可能身体亦衰弱. If one wishes to be polite and respectful, one can describe old people as elderly. 若想客气些、 尊敬些, 可用elderly来形容老人. Ancient and antique are usually only applied to things. *ancient和antique通常仅用於事物. We call ancient something that existed a long time ago *ancient用以形容经历了久远年代的事物   I was much happier in my old job.
  • n.  我看果酱标签上的说明再决定买哪种.   I read the information on the label before deciding which jam to buy
  • v.  我公司驻印度代表是霍尔生.   Our firm is represented in India by Mr Hall
  • adv.  我原满以为会失业, 所以这次晋升完全出乎意料.   I was fully expecting to lose my job, so this promotion has come as a complete surprise
  • n.  我原的配偶分担照顾孩子的责任.   My ex shares custody of the children
  • adj.  我因有约在, 所以只好谢绝你的邀请.   I shall have to refuse your invitation because of a prior engagement
  • adj.  我因有约在故不能出席.   I am unable to attend because of a previous engagement
  • indef det  我在教堂里既没看见史密斯生也没看见他太太.   I saw neither Mr nor Mrs Smith at church
  • n.  我在那儿工作时, 柯蒂斯生是经理.   Mr Curtis was the manager in `my time, ie when I was working there