  • n.  整合, 集成, 成为整体, 综合, 一体化, 融合, 统合, 积分, 集, 取消种族隔离, 给以种族上的平等待遇   integration
  •   整座建筑物在大火焚毁.   The whole building went up in flames
  • v.  整座整座的村庄都在轰炸摧毁了.   Whole villages were wiped out in the bombing raids
  • n.  整顿, 调整, 平衡, 修剪, 修理, 切屑, 碎料, 装饰, 婉转的措词, 配料, 加入茶的糖和牛乳, 申斥, 殴打, 击败, 诈骗, 两面讨好, 外快, 装饰(品), 点缀(品), 修剪下来的东西, 从大块上削下来的东西   trimming
  • n.  敷, 刮胶, 扩展, 展宽, 延度, 扩张, 散布, 撒布, 润湿, 锻扁, 锤薄, 压平, 增长, 接长, 扩孔锻造, 涂胶热熔流散, 套期图利, 从买卖期货的异期价差赚取利润   spreading
  • n.  文件的小号印刷字体可能藏有给粗心人设下的陷阱.   Small print in documents can contain traps for the unwary
  • n.  文体活动(sport)是许多人生活的重要内容. At school children can play football, netball and other sports and there are clubs for playing indoor games such as chess or snooker. 在学校里, 学生可以参加足球、 无挡板篮球以及其他体育运动(sports), 也可以加入国际象棋、 落袋台球等各种室内文娱(games)社团. After work, a lot of people enjoy a game of tennis or squash. 许多人工余喜欢打网球或壁球. On TV we can watch tennis and football matches throughout the year and horse races are broadcast almost every day. 人们整年都可以通过电视观看网球和足球比赛(matches), 赛马(races)节目则几乎每天都有. Events in which people compete against each other, often for prizes, are competitions or contests 具比赛性质的、 常设有锦标的运动称作competitions或contests   Sport plays a big part in many people's lives.
  • n.  文学、 音乐等使用的)对比法.   use of contrast in literature, music, etc (
  •   文学中的形象   Iconicity of literature
  •   文学)拟人谬想(将无生命物体作拟人化处理).   describing inanimate objects as if they are living things with feelings (
  •   文学的文法规则Logocentricproblem心性问题   Literary text grammar
  •   文章标明段落主题的句子; 点题句   topic(al) sentence
  • n.  斑点, 黑点, 疵点, 视网膜区, 疵瑕, 痣, 斑, (皮肤上的)斑点, (太阳的)黑子, 黑斑, 污点, 斑疹, 太阳黑子   macula
  • n.  斗篷, 雨衣, 穗饰披巾, 篷却(南美洲的一种斗篷, 为单块的羊驼毛呢布, 使用时披在身上, 头部从布间的洞伸出来), (斗篷式)雨披, 雨布   poncho
  •   斜面书桌(特指供人站着阅读的); 讲演人放讲稿的小台架; 教堂的读经台   reading desk
  • v.  斡旋, 调停, 仲裁, 作为引起...的媒介, 居调停   mediate