| - n. 教化, 培养, 耕作, 耕种, 开垦, 造林, 栽培, 养殖, 教养, 优雅, 耕耘, 中耕 cultivation
- adj. 教堂中华丽的雕刻饰物 ornate carvings in a church
- n. 教堂中唱诗班坐的席位 part of a church where these singers sit
- 教堂中殿 nave
- n. 教堂中的)讲坛(通常指小型的). =>illus at App raised and enclosed platform in a church, where a clergyman stands when he is preaching (
- n. 教堂中的)香炉. container in which incense is burnt in churches (
- n. 教堂中神父听取忏悔的)告解室 private, usu enclosed, place in a church where a priest sits to hear confessions (
- n. 教堂仪式中指定的)朗诵经文者. person appointed to read aloud parts of a service in church (
- n. 教堂礼拜中诵读的)圣经选段 passage from the Bible read aloud during a church service (
- n. 教堂等中的)风琴台. where the organ is placed (
- v. 教士将鬼从房屋中驱走. A priest exorcized the ghost from the house
- n. 教学生在写作中避免使用不规范的词语. teaching students to rid their writing of barbarisms
- n. 教师, (中、小学)教师 schoolteacher
- adj. 教师中尸位素餐者众. There is too much dead wood among the teaching staff
- n. 教师在教学中的关键作用 the key role of the teacher in the learning process
- n. 教师(尤指中小学的) person who teaches, esp in a school