| - 电子出票 e-ticketing
- 电容式纸带读出机 capacity paper tape reader
- n. 电影胶片从卷轴滑出缠绕在放映机上了. The film flew off the spool and wound itself round the projector
- n. 电影院的出口标记通常都有照明. The exit signs in cinemas are usually illuminated
- v. 电报已发出并已预付覆电费用. The telegram was sent reply prepaid
- n. 电梯出故障了, 我们困在里面出不来. The lift broke down and we were trapped inside (it).
- 电线电缆出口联营公司 Electric Wire & Cable Export Corporation
- n. 电视上播出的 大场面音乐节目. a costly musical extravaganza on television
- adj. 电视机又出毛病了. The television has gone wrong again
- v. 电视的出现沉重地打击了电影业. Television has hit the cinema industry very hard
- 电阻抗心脏排出量计算机 electrical impedance cardiac output computer
- n. 男人, 人类, 人, 男仆人, 男雇员, 部下, 丈夫, 情人, 男子汉, 大丈夫, 要人, 名人, 学生, 出身的人, 一颗棋子, 警察, 白人, 喂, 老兄, 伙计, 所需要的人, 成年男子, 雇员, 士兵, 所需的人, 棋子, 雇工 man
- 男子汉中的男子汉; 特出人物 a man among men
- n. 男宾理发师、 出售男子服装的商店. a gents' hairdresser, outfitter, etc
- 画中画特技播出系统 picture in picture special effect transmission system
- 画出...的轮廓, 简略地描述... sketch out