| - 放射性中毒 radioactive poisoning
- n. 放射性碳(有机材料中碳元素的放射性形式, 用以测定某物的年代). radioactive form of carbon present in organic materials, used in carbon dating
- 放弃, 停[中]止 give up
- vt. 放置球中, 把...围入圈内, 包围, 使成球形 ensphere
- 政党领袖在电视辩论中一决雌雄. The party leaders are slogging it out in a TV debate
- n. 政府中的官员受贿以及其他丑事. bribery of officials and other skeletons in the government's cupboard
- 政府中的)公务员, 文职人员, 文官. person employed by the Civil Service (
- 政府中的)文职部门, 行政机关 all government departments other than the armed forces (
- n. 政府在限制进口的措施中提高了关税. In a move to restrict imports, the government raised custom duties
- v. 政府应该优先重建城内旧中心区. The government should give top priority to rebuilding the inner cities
- 政府文职部门中的)全体公务员 all the people employed in these (
- n. 政府机关中之女性职员,女童子军 cadette
- n. 政府的这些表格中净是些晦涩的词, 我一点都看不懂. These government forms are full of such mumbo-jumbo, I can't understand them at all
- n. 政府部门的文件中常使用术语, 普通人看不懂. Civil Service documents are often written in gobbledegook that ordinary people cannot understand
- n. 政治上的中间立场或中间党派 moderate political position or party, ie one between the extremes of left and right
- n. 政治上的)中间派成员. person who holds moderate political views (