| - 由...而推断出 make an inference from
- 由...而来, 源出 derive itself from
- adj. 由上淋水的, 上射式的, 上颚突出的, 上射的, 喝醉的, 夸大的, 上射式的(水车) overshot
- n. 由出版工作改做教学工作 make a switch from publishing to teaching
- v. 由喙部为红色这一特点可以辨认出其为雄性(以区别於雌性). by its red beak
- 由地产主人自家经营的农场(以别於其出租的农场). farm worked by the owner of an estate on which there are other farms
- n. 由底片印出的)照片 photograph printed from a negative (
- n. 由推理而得出的)信念或意见, 结论 belief or opinion that is the result of reasoning (
- adj. 由推论得出的证据. inferential proof
- 由教堂公布订婚的姓名(目的在于弄清楚是否有人对此提出异议) ask in church
- n. 由於全体演员的出色表演, 那出戏才获得成功. The play succeeded thanks to fine acting by all the cast
- v. 由於准备不充分而讲得错误百出. through a badly prepared speech
- n. 由於发动机出现故障, 飞机不得不紧急著陆. Because of engine trouble the plane had to make an emergency landing, ie come to land suddenly to avoid further danger or damage
- n. 由於发动机突然出现故障, 飞行员不得不(在爱尔兰海上)紧急降落. A sudden engine failure forced the pilot to ditch (in the Irish Sea).
- 由於天气不好, 我的腿又不方便, 我已经好几个星期没出门了. What with the weather and my bad leg, I haven't been out for weeks
- v. 由於技术上出现临时故障而发射延期. The launch was delayed by a technical hitch