| - n. 用水冲沙砾等以选出(沙金等) pour water through gravel, etc in order to find (gold, etc)
- n. 用泵抽了几下之後, 水流出来了. After several pumps, the water began to flow
- n. 用特殊记号或标签)标出(某物, 以引起特别注意) for particular attention with a special mark or label (
- 用狗把獾从桶中引出来(一种旧日游戏) draw the badger
- vt. 用王牌取胜, 捏造, 假造(口实、理由), 打出王牌赢, 胜过 trump
- 用现金付出费用, 实际支出 out of pocket expenses
- 用电报发出 by cable
- 用电报发出 by wire
- 用界桩标出认为是属於自己的地段. peg out a claim, ie mark out the land of which one claims ownership
- n. 用砂纸在塑料上轻轻打磨出粗糙面以便涂颜料. Gently sand the plastic to provide a key for the paint
- n. 用粉笔写出自己得的分数(如玩投镖游戏时). chalk up one's score, eg when playing darts
- n. 用粗面轧辊轧制, 瘤, 节疤或类似的肿块, 锤碾金属, 金属片加工, 凸起部分, 刻痕和堆焊, 轴包套, 导流罩, 尾轴孔部, 船尾管鼓出部 bossing
- n. 用肩膀沿某方向挤出一条路 shoulder one's way in, through, past, etc move in the specified direction by pushing with one's shoulder(s)
- n. 用舌与唇发出的表示憎恶、 鄙夷等的声音 sound made with the tongue and lips to show dislike, contempt, etc
- n. 用虹吸管将(液体)抽出 from one place to another using a siphon
- 用虹吸管抽出(液体) siphon off [out]