| - 大理石砌面的砖建筑物 satin-facedlapels 镶有缎边的翻领 straight-faced板着面孔的 a marble-facedbrick building
- 大边安全帽 safety hat with broad edge
- n. 大门上的小门, 便门, 边门, 旋转栅门, 营业窗口, 售票窗口, 闸门, 三柱门, 二个三柱门之间的球场, 投法, 铁丝小门, (大门旁的)小门, 角门, (售票处等的)窗口, 小窗, 小门, 售票窗 wicket
- 大陆板块边界 continental plate boundary
- v. 天气多好哇, 咱们何不开车到海边玩玩? It's a lovely sunny day; why don't we run down to the coast?
- adj. 天边一处轮廓不清的岩影. an ill-defined lump of rock on the horizon
- n. 头带, 束发带, 软组织带, 挑檐处带形花边饰, 绦虫, 带 tenia
- 契沃吉埃花边 chioggia lace
- 套装斜边木工凿 bevelled edge firmer chisel set
- n. 奥地利和匈牙利之间的边界. the frontier between Austria and Hungary
- n. 女人的衬衫, 仿男式女衬衫, 衬衣式边衣裙 shirtwaist
- n. 女士们、 先生们, 请往这边走. Kindly step this way, ladies and gentlemen
- 女式平边印花手帕 ladies' flat-egded printed handkerchief
- 女式牙边印花手帕 ladies' scallopedged printed handkerchief
- n. 女背心, 妇女短袖衬衣, 贴身背心, 妇女穿的宽外套, 化妆衣, 疯人紧身衣, 从前男子穿的一种短上衣, 饰花边的胸衣 camisole
- n. 她个子高, 能看到墙的那一边. She can see over the wall because of her height