  • n.  睡魔来了! (睡觉了! )   The sandman's coming! ie It's time for bed
  • v.  瞧都什麽时候了! 十分钟前我们就到戏院了.   Look at the time! We should have been at the theatre ten minutes ago
  • n.  研究人员用老鼠反覆做试验.   The researchers are repeating the experiment on rats
  • n.  研究该国的出口贸易   make a study of the country's export trade
  • n.  示意某人走了[去何处]   where to go
  • n.  票, 券, 票证, 入场券, 标签, 便笺, 备忘录招租牌, 证明书, 许可证, 执照, 候选人名单, 政党的纲领, 政见, 计划, 规划, 方针, 传票, 违章通知书, 对的事情, 做的事情, 适当的东西, 车票, (货物上的)标签, 标价牌, 交通违章罚款通知单, (前面与the连用)合适的东西   ticket
  • n.  票, 券, 票证, 入场券, 标签, 便笺, 备忘录招租牌, 证明书, 许可证, 执照, 候选人名单, 政党的纲领, 政见, 计划, 规划, 方针, 传票, 违章通知书, 对的事情, 做的事情, 适当的东西, 车票, (货物上的)标签, 标价牌, 交通违章罚款通知单, (前面与the连用)合适的东西   ticket
  • n.  科学家的观察力应很敏锐.   A scientist's observation should be very good
  • adj.  立法方面的改革早进行.   Legislative reform is long overdue
  •   等不定代词均为单数, 根据语法规则, 後面应用其他单数代词(he、 she、 his、 her等). Traditionally, if the sex of the person is unknown, the masculine pronouns he, him, his have been used to refer to both females and males 按照传统用法, 若性别不详则男女两性均用阳性代词he、 him、 his表示   . *somebody、someone、 everyone、 no one
  •   糟糕! 该死!   Devil take it!
  • n.  红色染料, 产生染料之苔类, =archil   orchil
  • adj.  约翰尼又吐了--我们应请医生来吗?   Johnny's been sick again should we call the doctor?
  • v.  组成剧的各场. =>Usage at comprise 用法见comprise.   the short scenes that compose the play
  • v.  经理辞职一事在部门引起轩然大波.   Shock waves reverberated round the department from the manager's resignation
  • adj.  给婴儿吃的东西应是温的, 不能是烫的.   Food for a baby should be warm, not hot