| - 灭火各阶段最多允许时间标准 elapsed time standard
- 灭火后气氛 post extinguishment atmosphere
- 灭火喷射器 fire pump and sprayer
- n. 灭火器, 熄灭者 extinguisher
- 灭火器喷射开关 fire extinguisher switch
- 灭火器外壳 shell
- 灭火器干粉 fire extinguisher dry chemical
- 灭火器手柄 fire-extinguisher handle
- 灭火器推车 fire extinguisher trolley
- 灭火器架 fire extinguisher bracket
- 灭火器泡沫的给水栓 foam hydrant
- 灭火器灭火 fire fighting with fire extinguisher
- 灭火器用灭火剂 fire extinguisher agent
- 灭火器的类型 classes of extinguisher
- 灭火器的配置 distribution of fire extinguishers
- 灭火器符号 fire extinguisher symbol