| - n. 指农民)照料母羊产羔 tend ewes doing this (
- adj. 指国家及其公民和机关)不受外国政府或本国控制的, 自主的, 自由的 not controlled by a foreign government or the state itself (
- adj. 指婚姻)贵贱联姻的(地位高的子弟, 如王子, 娶地位低的女子, 女方须保持其平民身分, 子女亦不得继承父亲的财产或头衔). and a woman of lower rank who keeps her lower status, the children having no claim to the property, titles, etc of their father (
- adj. 指风景、 地区等)无居民的, 荒凉的 not populated or cultivated; looking desolate (
- 按人口平均计算的国民生产总值 per capita gross national product
- 按固定价格计算的国民生产总值 GNP at constant prices
- 按市场价格计算的国民生产总值 GNP at market prices
- n. 捍卫民主、自由等的堡垒 a bastion of democracy, freedom, etc
- n. 捕鱼人, 鱼貂, 渔夫, 渔船, 食鱼貂, 以鱼为食的兽, 食鱼鼬, 食鱼鼬的褐色皮, 打捞器, 渔民, 食鱼动物, 捞取者 fisher
- adj. 据说英国人有一种特殊的幽默感. Britisher is used in American English. *Britisher 用於美式英语. Briton is found in newspaper, etc reports of incidents concerning British people and in statistical information. *Briton 见於报刊等涉及英国人的报道及统计资料. It is also used of the early inhabitants of Britain *Briton也用以指不列颠早期的居民 The British are said to have an unusual sense of humour.
- n. 排水沟, 槽, 贫民区, 沟, 阴沟, 排版上的隔条, 左右两页间的空白, 角形火焰稳定器, 焊管拉模, 贫民区, 整联邮票相连处的空白, 保龄球道两旁的槽, (房檐上的)檐沟, 水落管, (前面与the连用)贫民区, 贫民窟, 贫困的生活, 水槽, 檐槽, 装订线 gutter
- n. 接待区、 营、 中心等(接纳和安置难民、 移民等的处所) a reception area, camp, centre, etc, ie where refugees, immigrants, etc are received and accommodated
- adj. 提洛尔人的, 提洛尔区居民的 tyrolean
- 提高全民环保意识 raise environmental awareness amongst the general public
- n. 摄政, 摄政政治, 护民官之职, 摄政的职位, 护国公执政时期, 保护领地, 保护国, 保护制度, (1656-1659年英国克伦威尔父子的)摄政时期, 摄政政体, 摄政职位 protectorate
- n. 摩尔人(居於非洲西北部的回教民族). member of a Muslim people living in NW Africa