| - n. 圆形物, 圆盘, 圆形纹章, 小圆窗, 串珠花边, 圆形棱堡, =rondeau, 圆舞, 表示镜, 圆玻璃, (军用飞机上表示国别的)彩色圆形标志, 圆形饰物, 小圆盘 roundel
- 圆柱坐标仪 cylindrical coordinatograph
- 圆柱形坐标测定器 cylindrical coordinator
- 圆筒形浮标 cylindrical buoy
- 圆筒形浮标 cylindricbuoy
- 土壤层位标示记号 symbol of soil horizon
- 土耳其国家标准 Turk Standardlari, Turkey (TS)
- n. 圣像, 画像, 肖像, 图标, 图符, 图标, 偶像, 雕像, 插图 icon
- n. 圣痕(与耶稣受难伤痕相应的瘢痕, 据称曾在许多圣徒身上出现, 有些基督徒视之为神圣的标志). marks resembling the wounds made by nails on the body of Christ when he was crucified, said to have appeared on the bodies of various saints and considered as a sign of holiness by some Christians
- 圣经》修订标准本(1946-1957年间修订而成). revision of the Bible made in 1946-57 《
- abbr. 圣马利亚教堂(天主教)(如街道地图的标示). , eg on a street map
- 在(信号 、标志)引导下到达; 追踪 home on
- n. 在图上连接标定的点)绘制(曲线等) by connecting points on a graph (
- n. 在图表上)标绘(某物) on a chart or diagram (
- v. 在地图上加印座标格. overprint a grid on a map
- v. 在地图上用网线标出某一区域. cross-hatch an area on a map