  • n.  夏傍晚的、 郊野的寂静   the peace of a summer evening, the countryside
  • n.  夏午後那种令人迷离恍惚的沉闷.   the hazy languor of a summer's afternoon
  • v.  夏懒洋洋的下午种种思绪在他脑海里浮想联翩.   Thoughts of lazy summer afternoons floated through his mind
  • n.  夏至, 仲夏, 盛夏, 夏至(6月22)   midsummer
  • adj.  多麽小气的生礼物哇!   What a measly birthday present
  •   夜以继地(与动词 work 连用)   double tides
  • n.  大减价定於明日举行.   The sale is scheduled for tomorrow
  • n.  大学毕业典礼、 毕业.   gradu`ation ceremony, day, etc
  •   大改正版日期   date of large corrections
  •   大斋期的前一或前几的节.   or days before Lent
  • n.  大斋期的第一个星期.   the first Sunday in Lent
  • n.  大斋节前的星期(复活节前50天).   the Sunday before Lent (50 days before Easter)
  • v.  大祸即将临头的那些子.   the days that preceded the final catastrophe
  •   大阪是本的第二大城市.   Osaka is the second largest city in Japan
  • adj.  天体(、 月、 星等).   heavenly bodies, ie the sun, moon, stars, etc
  •   天文钟日差   chronomenter rate